Der Drive Extender Ersatz Drive Bender wurde wieder einmal aktualisiert. Die neue Version RC1 enthaelt folgende Aenderungen, die aus dem Changelog entnommen wurden.
- Bug fix: During a pool repair and rebuild operation, duplicated files with specific attributes may not be discovered during the rebuild scan, and therefore not restored (note these duplicate files remain untouched).
- Update: The check disk function has been changed to ensure the balancing / health monitoring tasks are run while the disk is being checked.
- Update: A number of interface improvements have been made to the duplication feature.
- Update: Call trace mode is now switchable with out rebooting (although Drive Bender still requires a soft restart).
- Update: A number of tweaks to Smooth Streaming have been made (mainly around memory usage).
- Bug fix: Some minor changes and updates to the S.M.A.R.T. capability.